Thursday, July 2, 2009

Shrinking sheep due to global warming

Title: Shrinking sheep due to global warming
Size: 12" X 8"
Date of creation: 2009 July

The rise in temperatures is making sheep smaller. The reason was uncovered by a team of researchers led by Tim Coulson of Imperial College London. They found that on average, wild Soay sheep on Scotland's island Hirta are 5 percent smaller today than they were in 1985.

The reason - since it was getting warmer, the larger body size to be able to survive harsh winters was no longer necessary. As a result the smaller sheep were also surviving, which made the overall size of the sheep population smaller. This slowly led to reduction of the size of sheep over the last 25-30 years.

I don't want to even begin to imagine what else could happen due to global warming... lets hope that mankind shows enough wisdom to survive climate change!

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